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Value Mapping

So far, the group has answered questions to help ground them in their identities and purposes as educators, created community agreements, and developed a shared language. Using the information that was captured on each poster, participants will read and reflect on these ideas to unpack the group’s shared values.

Create one last poster called, “Values.” Each participant will be given a few Post-it notes and a writing utensil. You will then ask them to engage in a silent gallery walk to examine the group’s posters one last time. As each participant reads over the posters, they should ask themselves the following questions:

  • What themes do I notice across all of the posters?

  • What do all the group’s responses have in common? 

  • What seems to be at the center of our work so far? 

When a participant identifies a shared value, they will write this on a Post-it note and stick it on the “Values” poster. Encourage each participant to add at least 2-3 Post-it notes to this poster. When everyone has completed the silent gallery walk, a volunteer can read the responses on the poster. For each common category or theme, write this value on the Values poster until you have a small list of group values.